Thursday, 31 May 2007

Tonights Photos

Apologies for the lack of photos I was in a rush.

It's also worth mentioning again, please don't use it until it is ready you may wreck it before and put the opening date back, thanks.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Opening date

Right it's official:

The finish date for the park is TBC. The park will be skateable from then.

The official opening day is gong to be Sunday July 22nd. We are currently sorting out all manner of goodies for this including bands, comps etc.

I want to see lots of people there, spread the word this is going to go off!

Oh and please don't skate it before it's finished, we've waited a long time for this, a few more days won't hurt will it?

Tonights Photos

Monday, 21 May 2007

Opening Bash

The official opening bash is set for 22nd July. Put that date in your diaries and smoke it.

Also the park should be ready in about 4 weeks, I'll give a more accurate date when I know.

In a bit!