Directions here at last.
The address of Shobnall Leisure Complex where the park is situated is:
Shobnall Leisure Complex
Shobnall Road
Burton upon Trent
DE14 2BB
Telephone No: (01283) 516180
As you go down the entrance to the leisure centre follow the drive around to the left and the skatepark is right at the bottom of the car park.
Drive there:
From the South:1. Leave A38 at junction signposted Burton A5121.
2. Take 3rd Exit on island.
3. Take 1st exit at next island signposted Burton A5121, Hospital, Shobnall Marina, Shobnall Leisure Complex.
4. Take 2nd exit at next island (McDonalds is opposite) signposted Hospital, Shobnall Marina, Shobnall Leisure Complex.
5. Take 2nd exit (straight on) at the next island.
6. Take 2nd exit (straight on) at the next island.
7. Take 2nd exit (straight on) at the next island.
8. Take 1st exit at next island signposted Hospital, Shobnall Marina, Shobnall Lesiure Complex.
9. Follow road for about 1/4mile and Shobnall Leisure Complex is about 3rd on the right. There is a big sign at the entrance to the drive.
From the North:1. Leave the A38 at junction signposted Burton (South) A5121. Please note that this is the second exit for Burton DON'T take the Burton (North)/Claymills exit becasue you'll probably get lost in town.
2. Take 1st exit on island
From here follow the directions from the south from point 3.
Save the environment and get there another way:Walking from the train station:This should only take about 10/15 mins or less if you skate!
1. Out of the main doors of the station and turn left.
2. Walk down the road to the lights at the bottom of the hill, opposite the Town Hall.
3. Cross over the road and turn left and walk along until you reach an island.
4. At island turn right and follow the main road up and over the bridge.
5. After you have walked over the bridge Shobnall is 1/4mile up the road on the right. There is a big sign at the entrance to the drive.
Buses from the train station:Out of the main entrance to the train station catch the 10 or 10A going in the direction of the Acorn Inn (this should be on the side of the road that the train station is on). The skatepark is about 2 or 3 stops on. If in doubt ask the bus driver to tell you when you are near Shobnall Leisure Complex (on the right hand side of the road, you will be taken over two islands before it, if the bus takes you under a bridge you've gone too far!)
Map of bus route$File/10%2010A%20QP%20Style%20Map%20for%2025%20March%202007.pdf?Open