Monday, 25 June 2007

Photos from Satuday/Sunday

Well the first weekend of the park being open has been and gone. Loads of people came down on Saturday from all around the Midlands. Things were crowded but everyone ripped. Everyone seemed really stoked on the park!

Some pictures taken by Christian and friends on Saturday 23rd.

Jack Robinson - Frontsiderock

Emery - One footed ollie over the hip

Cov Sid - Frontside disaster

Cov Sid - Frontside disaster

Beastly - Shuvit flip crossfoot over the hip

Dave - Nosepick

Oli - Backside smith

Becky - Hip flip

Christian - Ollie

Photo taken by Beastly on Saturday 23rd with an edit by Alex Burrell

Alex Burrell - Frontside feeble on the tight quarter

Alex Burrells edit.
Burton-On-Trent from Alexbuzz on Vimeo

Photos from Sunday 24th

Sadly I coulnd't make it down but the West Midlands stepped up again and gave the park a good seeing to. Christian has let me steal his pictures from the day to put on here.

Christian - Shuvit Heelflip

Christian - Nollie backside 180 heelflip

Brewer - Noseslide yank in

Tom - Frontside 5.0

Tom - Backside smith

Christian - Kickflip

Brewer - Frontside flip

Tom - Rock and roll

Brewer - Nosepick

Christian - Nollie inward heel

Tom - Tailslide

Thanks to everyone for letting me use their photos/videos.

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